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Rozmowa o wszystkim - Jagex rozpoczyna prace nad kolejnym fantasy MMO

Stellary - 2010-07-30, 16:33
Temat postu: Jagex rozpoczyna prace nad kolejnym fantasy MMO
W ostatnim wywiadzie udzielonym Eurogamer'owi Jagex oficjalnie potwierdził, że kolejne MMO, już trzecie, jest obecnie w produkcji. Na razie jego tytuł jest nieznany.
Oto cytat z tego wywiadu:
Eurogamer: When is there going to be another big visual overhaul?

Mark Gerhard: That will be much like we've done so far: iterative. The engine team's always pushing the tech and as soon as we're ready there will be another upgrade. But people don't need to pay for that, it just comes when it's ready.

A lot of what we've done to push the boundary for Stellar Dawn will benefit RuneScape and another MMO we're working on. We've got the advantage in that we share the same MMO tech platform. From there it's really down to the studios to decide how it's used.

Eurogamer: RuneScape is your fantasy MMO, Stellar Dawn is your sci-fi MMO. Is there a point when you'll want a new fantasy MMO?

Mark Gerhard: We do, we totally do. We're working on it as we speak.

Cały wywiad jest dostępny tutaj.

Oprócz tego właśnie na portalu Jagex Careers pojawiły się nowe oferty pracy dla Game Designer'a, Game Producer'a i Game Content Developer'a. Oto cytat z jednej z nich:
Jagex Ltd, the UK's leading independent online games studio, is looking for exceptional and passionate Game Content Developers to join the Content Development team of our next major MMORPG. You will be working on creating (designing and scripting) new quests, skills and content for this exciting new product.

Jest jeszcze jeden cytat z 28 stycznia 2010, z Mod MMG Q&A:
3. How are other non-RuneScape/FunOrb/Jagex games coming? I remember hearing Mechscape was going to be released in 2010; anything more specific on this? I've also heard of a type of "far east" samurai-type of strategy game made by Jagex; could you shine more light on that? If my sources are correct, it’s "World of Legends". Now that I look at it, it might be a scam site, since I’ve never heard of it...check it out if that’s the case. o_o

We have a very exciting new game schedule lined up for this year and the next. We canned Mechscape, but we are working on Stellar Dawn instead. The team have made great progress on this and I expect you will get to play it in the not too distant future. We also started work on another major MMO. Our Game Labs studio (the folks behind FunOrb) are working on a number of games like those already published on, as well as working on iPhone games now (already launched free Bouncedown, which was a top 10 game in the UK/USA for a few weeks with over 10M downloads so far), as well as some pure browser-based games that will support social networking sites. Lastly, our new publishing team is up and running and we launched the War of Legends BETA a week ago. This game probably still has a few more weeks of BETA testing to go through before we start promoting it.

Ciekawe, co to będzie za gra.
Wygląda na to, że dopiero zaczyna się jej produkcja.
Przypominam, że skill Dungeoneering miał być też osobnym MMO Jagex'u, ale postanowili oni połączyć go z RuneScape.

Micio40 - 2010-07-30, 18:14
Temat postu: Re: Jagex rozpoczyna prace nad kolejnym fantasy MMO
hm no spoko mam nadzieje ze nie bedzie co chwila "rozpieprzana" tak jak rs ;/

Stellary napisał/a:

Przypominam, że skill Dungeoneering miał być też osobnym MMO Jagex'u, ale postanowili oni połączyć go z RuneScape.

i szkoda ze tak nei zrobili...

ranqer - 2010-07-30, 20:48

Nom jagex, przegina z tym rs'em... Ale może gra będzie fajna :] Sie poczeka, sie zobaczy...

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