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Zamknięty przez: Barti108
2010-10-14, 22:14

Nick: .
Members: tak
Wiek: 29
Dołączył: 18 Lip 2007
Posty: 242
Wysłany: 2009-10-18, 15:09   hello!

Witam chciałbym aby ktoś sprawdził błędy w mojej pracy na angielski

o to tekst :

My Self-Portrait
Age: 15

Most of us is hard to write about us , cuz evaluating myself is little freak . But today I need to write about me , so let's start it.

As young person beguile typical for this century of interest enough. In free time I like to listen the music , play computer games, or watch TV, my favourite sports is football,Skateboarding and a Freestyle Football. I'm Lazly person, most of my time i spend playing MMORPG's , skating or train my skills in freestyle football.Also I'm like to learn new languages my favourite is English.

I have two sides of my soul ,im honest , relaxed ,polite and quiet person, but if somone is annoying Me, I'm cold and unfriendly . I am cultural in company, but I solve conflicts behind assistance of diplomatic conversation and compromises. There to to be very definitive be able and asertive. I think, that there are my advantages, as, that it is tell autoportrait about defects fly also naivety is one of they, because from time to time it introduce me as defect to error consciously. Secretiveness and lack Spontaneous.

z góry dzięki :)


Combat: 123
Profesja: Skiller
Nick: Ernestkeimh
Members: tak
Wiek: 30
Dołączył: 03 Paź 2006
Posty: 1823
Wysłany: 2009-10-18, 18:01   

My Self-Portrait
Age: 15

For most of us it is hard to write about us, couse evaluating myself is little freak. But today I need to write about myself , so lets start.

As young person beguile typical for this century of interest enough. In free time I like to listen music, play computer games, or watch TV, my favourite sports are football, skateboarding and Freestyle Football. I'm lazy person, most of my time I spend on playing MMORPGs , skating or training my skills in freestyle football. Also I like to learn new languages. My favourite language is English.

I have two sides of my soul, I'm honest, relaxed, polite and quiet person, but if someone is annoying me, I starts to be cold and unfriendly. I am cultural in company, but I solve conflicts behind assistance of diplomatic conversation and compromises. There to to be very definitive be able and asertive. I think, that there are my advantages, as, that it is tell autoportrait about defects fly also naivety is one of they, because from time to time it introduce me as defect to error consciously. Secretiveness and lack Spontaneous.

Ja bym to tak napisał. :)
To co jest pogrubione to nie wiem co to nawet znaczy i ciężko mi to poprawić. :D

I pytanie takie małe, czy to ma być takie bardziej oficjalniejsze? :P

Nick: .
Members: tak
Wiek: 29
Dołączył: 18 Lip 2007
Posty: 242
Wysłany: 2009-10-18, 19:08   

Polacy4 napisał/a:
I pytanie takie małe, czy to ma być takie bardziej oficjalniejsze? :P

zwykła praca domowa ;)

btw. tłumaczenie pogrubionego tekstu :

Potrafię być bardzo stanowczy oraz asertywny. Oprócz swoich zalet wyróżnić mogę nieco wad mojego charakteru. Jedną z nich jest naiwność, gdyż nierzadko świadomie wprowadzano mnie w błąd. Jako wadę wskazałbym również skąpstwo, skrytość oraz brak spontaniczności


Combat: 123
Profesja: Skiller
Nick: Ernestkeimh
Members: tak
Wiek: 30
Dołączył: 03 Paź 2006
Posty: 1823
Wysłany: 2009-10-18, 19:18   

I can be very firm and assertive. I've got also character defects. One of them is naive, as is often deliberately introduced me to an error. Also my defects are lack, spontaneity.

Spontaniczność usu? xD
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